We are a chapter of a national nonprofit, self-help organization offering
understanding, friendship, love and hope to bereaved families who have
experienced the loss of a child. We are sorry for the reason you are here,
but glad you found us.
When a child dies, at any age, the family suffers intense pain and may feel hopeless and isolated. We are here to for you. Our meetings are open to every family experiencing the death of a son, daughter, brother, sister or grandchild of any age. There is no religious affiliation, and no membership dues or fees. Our goal is that everyone who needs us will find us and everyone who finds us will be helped.
Why Butterflies?

Since early times, the butterfly symbolized renewed life. The caterpillar signifies life here on earth; the cocoon, death; and the butterfly, the emergence of death into a new, beautiful and freer existence. Many say the butterfly is a symbol of the Soul.
Some people embrace the butterfly as a symbol - a sign of hope that their children are living in another dimension with greater beauty and freedom.